View Source Voodoo (Bonfire v0.9.11-social-beta.6)
is a drop-in replacement for the old-style Phoenix path helpers (before Phoenix.VerifiedRoutes
was introduced) which is more convenient to use.
Generates a reverse router function with the given name based upon a compiled(!) phoenix router module.
Turns a Conn or Socket into the name of the router that routed it.
Generates a reverse router function with the given name based upon a compiled(!) phoenix router module.
Must be used outside of the router module, or else the router won't be compiled yet and we won't be able to look up the routes.
Generated function wraps the existing phoenix helpers.
defmodule MyAppWeb.Router do
use MyAppWeb, :router
# ...
defmodule MyAppWeb.Router.Reverse do
import Voodoo, only: [def_reverse_router: 2]
def_reverse_router :path, for: MyAppWeb.Router
@spec router(Conn.t() | Socket.t()) :: module()
Turns a Conn or Socket into the name of the router that routed it.