View Source Needle.Changesets (Bonfire v0.9.10-classic-beta.156)



Like Ecto.build_assoc/3, but can work with a Changeset

True if the schema object's current state is :built

Like Ecto.Changeset.cast but for Pointables, Virtuals and Mixins.

True if the schema object's current state is :deleted

True if the schema object's current state is :loaded

Like put_assoc!/3 but doesn't raise if the association doesn't exist

Like Ecto.Changeset.put_assoc/3 but for Pointables, Virtuals and Mixins.

Returns the schema object's current state.

true if the provided changeset or list of changesets is valid.


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build_assoc(changeset, assoc_key, rel)

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Like Ecto.build_assoc/3, but can work with a Changeset

True if the schema object's current state is :built

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cast(changeset, params, cols)

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Like Ecto.Changeset.cast but for Pointables, Virtuals and Mixins.

If a pointable or virtual, Generates an ID if one is not present.

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cast_assoc(changeset, assoc_key, opts \\ [])

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cast_belongs_to(changeset, assoc_key, assoc, opts)

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cast_has_many(changeset, assoc_key, assoc, opts)

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cast_has_one(changeset, assoc_key, assoc, opts)

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config_for(module, key, default \\ [])

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True if the schema object's current state is :deleted

True if the schema object's current state is :loaded

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put_assoc(changeset, assoc_key, rels)

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Like put_assoc!/3 but doesn't raise if the association doesn't exist

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put_assoc!(changeset, assoc_key, rels)

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Like Ecto.Changeset.put_assoc/3 but for Pointables, Virtuals and Mixins.

Copies across keys where possible.

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put_id_on_mixins(attrs, mixin_names, pointable)

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put_new_id(changeset, schema)

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Returns the schema object's current state.

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update_data(changeset, fun)

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true if the provided changeset or list of changesets is valid.