View Source Bonfire.Social.Threads (Bonfire v0.9.10-classic-beta.156)

Handle mutating and querying discussion threads and replies.

Provides functionality for managing threaded discussions, including creating replies, querying threads, and handling participants.

It is the context module for Bonfire.Data.Social.Replied which contains these fields:

  • id: object
  • reply_to: what object or activity are we replying to
  • thread: what discussion thread we're in, if any (usually same as the ID of the original object that started the thread)
  • direct_replies_count: number of direct replies to this object (automatically counted and updated)
  • nested_replies_count: number of nested replies to this object and any replies to it (automatically aggregated, counted and updated)
  • total_replies_count: direct replies + nested replies (automatically summed)
  • path: breadcrumbs leading from the reply_to all the way to the original object that started the thread. Powered by EctoMaterializedPath.



Prepares a thread or reply for federation with ActivityPub.

Arranges replies into a tree structure.

Casts a changeset with reply_to and threading info.

Counts participants in a thread.

Creates a parent replied record within a changeset.

Finds the object being replied to.

Finds the thread for a reply.

Initializes a parent replied record.

Lists participants of a thread or individual object.

Lists replies in a thread.

Marks all unseen replies as seen.

re-order distinct threads after DISTINCT ON ordered them by thread_id - Note: does not support pagination

Builds a query for thread replies.

re-order distinct threads after DISTINCT ON ordered them by thread_id - Note: this results in (Ecto.QueryError) cannot preload associations in subquery in query

Reads a thread by its ID.

Counts unseen replies.

Builds a query for unseen replies.


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ap_prepare(object_or_thread_or_reply_to_id, key \\ :thread_id)

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Prepares a thread or reply for federation with ActivityPub.


  • object_or_thread_or_reply_to_id: The object, thread, or reply ID
  • key: The key to use for preparation (:thread_id or :reply_to_id, default is :thread_id)


iex> ap_prepare("thread_123")
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arrange_replies(replies, opts \\ [])

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Arranges replies.

TODOC: how is it different than arrange_replies_tree/2?


  • replies: List of replies
  • opts: Arrangement options


iex> arrange_replies([%{id: "1"}, %{id: "2", path: ["1"]}])
%{"1" => %{id: "1", children: %{"2" => %{id: "2", path: ["1"]}}}}
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arrange_replies_tree(replies, opts \\ [])

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Arranges replies into a tree structure.

Powered by


  • replies: List of replies
  • opts: Arrangement options


iex> arrange_replies_tree([%{id: "1"}, %{id: "2", reply_to_id: "1"}])
%{"1" => %{id: "1", direct_replies: [%{id: "2", reply_to_id: "1"}]}}
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cast(changeset, attrs, user, preset_or_custom_boundary)

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Casts a changeset with reply_to and threading info.

If it's not a reply or the user is not permitted to reply to the thing, a new thread will be created.


  • changeset: The changeset to be updated
  • attrs: Attributes for the reply
  • user: The user creating the reply
  • _preset_or_custom_boundary: Boundary setting (currently unused)


iex> cast(changeset, %{reply_to_id: "123"}, user, nil)
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changeset(replied \\ %Replied{}, attrs)

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count_participants(thread_id, opts \\ [])

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Counts participants in a thread.


  • thread_id: The ID of the thread
  • opts: Additional options, should contain current_user to check for permission


iex> count_participants("thread_123")
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create_parent_replied(changeset, replied, replied_attrs)

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Creates a parent replied record within a changeset.


  • changeset or object: The changeset to update
  • replied: The replied struct
  • replied_attrs: Attributes for the replied record


iex> create_parent_replied(changeset, %Replied{}, %{id: "789", thread_id: "456"})
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filter(arg1, thread_id, query)

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Group per-thread

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find_reply_to(attrs, user)

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Finds the object being replied to.


  • attrs: Attributes containing reply information
  • user: The user attempting to reply


  • {:ok, reply} if the reply object is found and the user has permission
  • {:error, reason} otherwise, where reason may be :not_found or :not_permitted


iex> find_reply_to(%{reply_to_id: "123"}, user)
{:ok, %{id: "123", ...}}
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find_thread(attrs, user)

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Finds the thread for a reply.


  • attrs: Attributes containing thread information
  • user: The user attempting to access the thread


iex> find_thread(%{thread_id: "456"}, user)
{:ok, %{id: "456", ...}}
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Initializes a parent replied record.


  • replied_attrs: Attributes for the replied record


iex> init_parent_replied(%{id: "789", thread_id: "456"})
{:ok, %Replied{}}
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list_participants(activity_or_object, thread_or_object_id \\ nil, opts \\ [])

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Lists participants of a thread or individual object.


  • activity_or_object: The activity or object to list participants for
  • thread_or_object_id: Optional thread or object ID
  • opts: Additional options


iex> list_participants(activity, "thread_123", limit: 10)
[%{id: "user1", ...}, %{id: "user2", ...}]
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list_replies(thread, opts \\ [])

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Lists replies in a thread.


  • thread: The thread or thread ID
  • opts: Additional options


iex> list_replies("thread_123", limit: 10)
%{edges: [%{id: "reply1", ...}, %{id: "reply2", ...}]}
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mark_all_seen(filters, opts)

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Marks all unseen replies as seen.


  • filters: Filter criteria
  • opts: Additional options


iex> mark_all_seen([thread_id: "123"], current_user: user)
{:ok, [%{id: "reply1"}, %{id: "reply2"}]}
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maybe_re_order_result(result, opts)

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re-order distinct threads after DISTINCT ON ordered them by thread_id - Note: does not support pagination

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maybe_with_pins(query, thread_id, opts)

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Builds a query for thread replies.


  • filter: Filter criteria (e.g., [thread_id: "123"])
  • opts: Additional query options


iex> query([thread_id: "123"], preload: [:posts])

Callback implementation for Bonfire.Common.QueryModule.query_module/0.

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re_order_using_subquery(query, opts)

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re-order distinct threads after DISTINCT ON ordered them by thread_id - Note: this results in (Ecto.QueryError) cannot preload associations in subquery in query

Reads a thread by its ID.


  • object_id: The ID of the object to read
  • opts: should contain current_user to check for read permissions


  • {:ok, object} if the object is found and readable
  • {:error, reason} otherwise


iex> read("123", current_user: me)
{:ok, %{id: "123", ...}}

Callback implementation for Bonfire.Common.QueryModule.schema_module/0.

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unseen_count(filters, opts)

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Counts unseen replies.


  • filters: Filter criteria
  • opts: Additional options


iex> unseen_count([thread_id: "123"], current_user: user)
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unseen_query(filters, opts)

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Builds a query for unseen replies.


  • filters: Filter criteria
  • opts: Additional query options


  • {:ok, query} if the query can be built
  • {:error, reason} otherwise


iex> unseen_query([thread_id: "123"], current_user: user)
{:ok, %Ecto.Query{}}