View Source Bonfire.Social.FeedActivities (Bonfire v0.9.10-classic-beta.156)

Helpers to create or query a feed's activities.

This is the context for Bonfire.Data.Social.FeedPublish, which has two foreign fields:



Casts the changeset to publish an activity to the given feed IDs.

Casts the changeset to publish an activity to the given creator and feed IDs.

Returns the count of items in a feed based on given filters and options.

Returns the count of distinct subjects in a feed based on given filters and options.

Returns the total count of activities in feeds.

Remove activities from feeds, using specific filters

Remove one or more activities from all feeds

Gets a feed by id or ids or a thing/things containing an id/ids.

Gets feed ids and options for the given feed or list of feeds.

Returns paginated results for the given query.

Returns a page of feed activities (reverse chronological) + pagination metadata

Gets a list of feed ids this activity was published to from the database.

Computes the feed ids for get_feed_publishes/2.

Creates the underlying data for put_feed_publishes/2.

Marks all unseen items in a feed as seen for the current user.

Creates a new local activity or takes an existing one and publishes to specified feeds

Gets a user's home feed, a combination of all feeds the user is subscribed to.

Creates a new local activity and publishes to appropriate feeds TODO: make this re-use the changeset-based code like in Epics instead of duplicating logic (currently it is only used in VF extension anyway)

Arranges for an insert changeset to also publish to feeds related to some objects.

Return a boundarised query for a feed

add assocs needed in timelines/feeds

add assocs needed in lists of objects

Converts socket, assigns, or options to feed options.

Returns the count of unseen items in a feed for the current user.


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cast(changeset, feed_ids)

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Casts the changeset to publish an activity to the given feed IDs.


> cast(changeset, feed_ids)
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cast(changeset, creator, opts)

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Casts the changeset to publish an activity to the given creator and feed IDs.


> cast(changeset, creator, opts)
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count(filters \\ [], opts \\ [])

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Returns the count of items in a feed based on given filters and options.


iex> count(filters, current_user: me)
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count_subjects(filters \\ [], opts \\ [])

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Returns the count of distinct subjects in a feed based on given filters and options.


iex> count_subjects(filters, opts)

Returns the total count of activities in feeds.

Remove activities from feeds, using specific filters


iex> filters = [object_id: "123"]
iex> Bonfire.Social.FeedActivities.delete(filters)
{5, nil}
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delete(objects, by_field)

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Remove one or more activities from all feeds


iex> Bonfire.Social.FeedActivities.delete("123", :object_id)
{1, nil}
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exclude_object_types(extras \\ [])

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Gets a feed by id or ids or a thing/things containing an id/ids.


iex> Bonfire.Social.FeedActivities.feed("feed123", [])
%{edges: [%{activity: %{}}], page_info: %{}}

iex> Bonfire.Social.FeedActivities.feed(:explore, [])
%{edges: [%{activity: %{}}], page_info: %{}}
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feed_contains?(feed_name, object, opts \\ [])

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feed_contains_single?(feed_name, filters, opts)

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feed_ids_and_opts(feed_name, opts)

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Gets feed ids and options for the given feed or list of feeds.


> feed_ids_and_opts(feed_name, opts)
{feed_ids, opts}

> feed_ids_and_opts({feed_name, feed_id}, opts)

iex> feed_ids_and_opts(:my, [current_user: me])
{["feed_id1", "feed_id2"], [exclude_verbs: [:flag, :boost, :follow]]}

iex> feed_ids_and_opts({:notifications, "feed_id3"}, [current_user: me])
{"feed_id3", [skip_boundary_check: :admins, include_flags: true, exclude_verbs: false, skip_dedup: true, preload: [:notifications]]}
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feed_many_paginated(query, opts)

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Returns paginated results for the given query.


> feed_many_paginated(query, opts)
%{edges: edges, page_info: page_info}
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feed_name(name, current_user_or_socket)

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feed_paginated(filters \\ [], opts \\ [])

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Returns a page of feed activities (reverse chronological) + pagination metadata

TODO: consolidate with feed/2


iex> feed_paginated([], [])
%{edges: [%{activity: %{}}], page_info: %{}}

iex> query = Ecto.Query.from(f in FeedPublish)
iex> Bonfire.Social.FeedActivities.feed_paginated([], base_query: query)
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feed_with_object(feed_name, object, opts \\ [])

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Gets a list of feed ids this activity was published to from the database.

Currently only used by the ActivityPub integration.


iex> feeds_for_activity(%{id: id})
[feed_id1, feed_id2]

iex> feeds_for_activity(id)
[feed_id1, feed_id2]

iex> feeds_for_activity(activity)

Computes the feed ids for get_feed_publishes/2.


  • :inbox - list of users/characters whose inbox we should attempt to insert into.
  • :outbox - list of users/characters whose outbox we should attempt to insert into.
  • :notifications - list of users/characters whose notifications we should attempt to insert into.
  • :feeds - list of ids (or objects containing IDs) of feeds to post to.


iex> options = [outbox: [%{id: "author123"}], inbox: [%{id: "mention987"}], notifications: [%{id: "reply654"}], feeds: ["feed456"]]
iex> Bonfire.Social.FeedActivities.get_feed_ids(options)
["inbox_feed_id_for_user123", "feed456"]
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Creates the underlying data for put_feed_publishes/2.

Options: see get_feed_ids/1


iex> options = [feeds: ["feed123", "feed456"]]
iex> Bonfire.Social.FeedActivities.get_feed_publishes(options)
[%{feed_id: "feed123"}, %{feed_id: "feed456"}]
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mark_all_seen(feed_id, opts)

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Marks all unseen items in a feed as seen for the current user.


iex> mark_all_seen(feed_id, current_user: me)
{:ok, number_of_marked_items}
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maybe_feed_publish(subject, verb_or_activity, object, feeds, opts)

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Creates a new local activity or takes an existing one and publishes to specified feeds


iex> subject = %{id: "user123"}
iex> verb = :create
iex> object = %{id: "post456"}
iex> feeds = ["feed789"]
iex> opts = []
iex> Bonfire.Social.FeedActivities.maybe_feed_publish(subject, verb, object, feeds, opts)
{:ok, %Bonfire.Data.Social.Activity{}}
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my_feed(opts, home_feed_ids \\ nil)

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Gets a user's home feed, a combination of all feeds the user is subscribed to.


iex> Bonfire.Social.FeedActivities.my_feed([current_user: %{id: "user123"}])
%{edges: [%{activity: %{}}], page_info: %{}}

iex> Bonfire.Social.FeedActivities.my_feed([current_user: %{id: "user123"}], ["feed_id1", "feed_id2"])
%{edges: [%{activity: %{}}], page_info: %{}}
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publish(subject, verb_or_activity, object, opts \\ [])

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Creates a new local activity and publishes to appropriate feeds TODO: make this re-use the changeset-based code like in Epics instead of duplicating logic (currently it is only used in VF extension anyway)


iex> subject = %{id: "user123"}
iex> verb = :create
iex> object = %{id: "post456"}
iex> Bonfire.Social.FeedActivities.publish(subject, verb, object, [])
{:ok, %Bonfire.Data.Social.Activity{}}
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put_feed_publishes(changeset, options)

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Arranges for an insert changeset to also publish to feeds related to some objects.

Options: see get_feed_ids/1


iex> changeset = %Ecto.Changeset{}
iex> options = [feeds: ["feed123", "feed456"]]
iex> Bonfire.Social.FeedActivities.put_feed_publishes(changeset, options)
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query(filters \\ [], opts \\ [], query \\ default_query())

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Return a boundarised query for a feed

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query_extras_boundarised(query \\ nil, opts)

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add assocs needed in timelines/feeds

Callback implementation for Bonfire.Common.ContextModule.query_module/0.

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query_object_extras_boundarised(query \\ nil, opts)

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add assocs needed in lists of objects

Callback implementation for Bonfire.Common.ContextModule.schema_module/0.

Converts socket, assigns, or options to feed options.


> assigns = %{exclude_verbs: [:flag, :boost]}
> to_feed_options(assigns)
[exclude_verbs: [:flag, :boost, :follow]]
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unseen_count(feed_id, opts)

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Returns the count of unseen items in a feed for the current user.


iex> unseen_count(feed_id, current_user: me)