View Source Bonfire.Mailer.Swoosh (Bonfire v0.9.10-classic-beta.156)



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deliver(email, config \\ [])

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@spec deliver(Swoosh.Email.t(), Keyword.t()) :: {:ok, term()} | {:error, term()}

Delivers an email.

If the email is delivered it returns an {:ok, result} tuple. If it fails, returns an {:error, error} tuple.

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deliver!(email, config \\ [])

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@spec deliver!(Swoosh.Email.t(), Keyword.t()) :: term() | no_return()

Delivers an email, raises on error.

If the email is delivered, it returns the result. If it fails, it raises a DeliveryError.

Callback implementation for Bonfire.Mailer.Behaviour.deliver_async/1.

Callback implementation for Bonfire.Mailer.Behaviour.deliver_inline/1.

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deliver_many(emails, config \\ [])

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@spec deliver_many(
      assigns: term(),
      attachments: term(),
      bcc: term(),
      cc: term(),
      from: term(),
      headers: term(),
      html_body: term(),
      private: term(),
      provider_options: term(),
      reply_to: term(),
      subject: term(),
      text_body: term(),
      to: term()
) :: {:ok, term()} | {:error, term()}

Delivers a list of emails.

It accepts a list of %Swoosh.Email{} as its first parameter.

Callback implementation for Bonfire.Mailer.Behaviour.from/2.

Callback implementation for Bonfire.Mailer.Behaviour.html_body/2.

Callback implementation for

Callback implementation for Bonfire.Mailer.Behaviour.subject/2.

Callback implementation for Bonfire.Mailer.Behaviour.text_body/2.

Callback implementation for