View Source Bonfire.Data.Identity.Email (Bonfire v0.9.11-social-beta.6)
Options: email_regex: Regexp.t (default very minimal validation) must_confirm?: bool (default true)
Changeset function. Marks the user's email as confirmed and removes their confirmation token.
Checks whether the user should be able to request a confirm email
Changeset function. Unconditionally sets the user as unconfirmed,
generates a confirmation token and puts an expiry on it determined
by the :confirm_duration
config key (default one day).
Checks whether the user should request a new confirmation token or refresh it
@type t() :: %Bonfire.Data.Identity.Email{ __meta__: Ecto.Schema.Metadata.t(), account: Ecto.Schema.belongs_to(Bonfire.Data.Identity.Account.t()) | nil, confirm_token: term(), confirm_until: term(), confirmed_at: term(), email_address: term(), id: Needle.UID.t() | nil, pointer: Ecto.Schema.belongs_to(Needle.Pointer.t()) | nil }
Options: email_regex: Regexp.t (default very minimal validation) must_confirm?: bool (default true)
Changeset function. Marks the user's email as confirmed and removes their confirmation token.
Checks whether the user should be able to request a confirm email
Changeset function. Unconditionally sets the user as unconfirmed,
generates a confirmation token and puts an expiry on it determined
by the :confirm_duration
config key (default one day).
Checks whether the user should request a new confirmation token or refresh it