View Source Bonfire.Data.Identity.Character (Bonfire v0.9.11-social-beta.6)
A username mixin that denies reuse of the same or similar usernames even when the username has been deleted.
@type t() :: %Bonfire.Data.Identity.Character{ __meta__: Ecto.Schema.Metadata.t(), actor: term(), aliased: term(), aliases: term(), feed: term(), follow_count: term(), followed: term(), followers: term(), id: Needle.UID.t() | nil, inbox: term(), inbox_id: term(), notifications: term(), notifications_id: term(), outbox: term(), outbox_id: term(), peered: term(), pointer: Ecto.Schema.belongs_to(Needle.Pointer.t()) | nil, profile: term(), tree: term(), user: term(), username: term(), username_hash: term() }