View Source Bonfire.Data.AccessControl.Controlled (Bonfire v0.9.11-social-beta.6)

An object is linked to one or more Acls by the Controlled multimixin, which pairs an object ID with an ACL ID. Because it is a multimixin, a given object can have multiple ACLs applied. In the case of overlap, permissions are combined with false being prioritised.




@type t() :: %Bonfire.Data.AccessControl.Controlled{
  __meta__: Ecto.Schema.Metadata.t(),
  acl: Ecto.Schema.belongs_to(Bonfire.Data.AccessControl.Acl.t()) | nil,
  acl_id: Needle.UID.t() | nil,
  id: Needle.UID.t() | nil,
  pointer: Ecto.Schema.belongs_to(Needle.Pointer.t()) | nil


changeset(controlled \\ %Controlled{}, params)

delete(struct, key)

get(struct, key, default \\ nil)

put(struct, key, val)