View Source Bonfire.Common.Media (Bonfire v0.9.10-classic-beta.156)

Helpers for handling images and other media



Takes a Media map (or an object containing one) and returns the avatar's URL.

Takes a Media map (or an object containing one) and returns the avatar's URL.

Takes a Media map (or an object containing one) and returns the banner's URL.

Returns a map containing all files and their contents from a tar or compressed tar.gz archive.

Takes a Media map (or an object containing one) and returns the image's URL.

Determines the dominant color for a given user’s avatar or banner.

Takes a Media map (or an object containing one) and returns a URL for the media.

Reads specific files from a tar archive and returns their contents.

Takes a Media map (or an object containing one) and returns the thumbnail's URL.


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avatar_fallback(_ \\ nil)

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Takes a Media map (or an object containing one) and returns the avatar's URL.


iex> avatar_media(%{profile: %{icon: ""}})

iex> avatar_media(%{icon: ""})

iex> avatar_media(%{profile: %{icon: %{path: ""}}})

iex> avatar_media(%{nonexistent_key: "value"})

Takes a Media map (or an object containing one) and returns the avatar's URL.


iex> avatar_url(%{profile: %{icon: %{url: ""}}})

iex> avatar_url(%{icon: %{path: ""}})

iex> avatar_url(%{icon_id: "icon123"})
# Assume Bonfire.Files.IconUploader.remote_url/1 returns ""

iex> avatar_url(%{path: "image.jpg"})
# Assume Bonfire.Files.IconUploader.remote_url/1 returns ""

iex> avatar_url(%{icon: ""})

iex> avatar_url(%{image: ""})

iex> avatar_url(%{id: "user123", shared_user: nil})
# Assume avatar_fallback/1 returns "/images/avatar.png"

iex> avatar_url(%{id: "user456", shared_user: %{id: "shared123"}})

iex> avatar_url(%{id: "user789"})
# Assume avatar_fallback/1 returns "/images/avatar.png"
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extract_tar(archive, opts \\ [:compressed, :memory])

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Returns a map containing all files and their contents from a tar or compressed tar.gz archive.


iex> extract_tar("path/to/archive.tar.gz")
%{"file1.txt" => <<...>> , "file2.txt" => <<...>>}

iex> extract_tar("path/to/archive.tar", [:memory])
%{"file1.txt" => <<...>> , "file2.txt" => <<...>>}

iex> extract_tar("path/to/archive.tar", [:compressed, :memory])
%{"file1.txt" => <<...>> , "file2.txt" => <<...>>}

Takes a Media map (or an object containing one) and returns the image's URL.


iex> image_url("")

iex> image_url(%{media_type: "text/plain"})

iex> image_url(%{profile: %{image: %{url: ""}}})

iex> image_url(%{image: %{url: ""}})

iex> image_url(%{icon: %{path: ""}})

iex> image_url(%{path: ""})

iex> image_url(%{image_id: "image123"})
# Assume Bonfire.Files.ImageUploader.remote_url/1 returns ""

iex> image_url(%{image: ""})

iex> image_url(%{profile: %{image: ""}})

iex> image_url(%{nonexistent_key: "value"})
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maybe_dominant_color(user, avatar_url \\ nil, banner_url \\ nil, banner_fallback \\ nil)

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Determines the dominant color for a given user’s avatar or banner.


iex> maybe_dominant_color(%{profile: %{icon: ""}})
"#AA4203" # Example dominant color

iex> maybe_dominant_color(%{profile: %{icon: ""}}, nil, "")
"#AA4203" # Example dominant color

iex> maybe_dominant_color(%{profile: %{icon: ""}}, nil, nil, "/images/bonfires.png")
"#AA4203" # Example dominant color

iex> maybe_dominant_color(%{profile: %{icon: nil}}, "")

Takes a Media map (or an object containing one) and returns a URL for the media.


iex> media_url(%{path: ""})

iex> media_url(%{path: "remote.jpg", metadata: %{"module" => "MyModule"}})
# Assume MyModule.remote_url/1 is defined and returns ""

iex> media_url(%{media_type: "image/jpeg", path: "image.jpg"})

iex> media_url(%{media_type: "text/plain", path: "document.txt"})

iex> media_url(%{changes: %{path: ""}})

iex> media_url(%{path: "image.jpg"})

iex> media_url(%{media: %{path: ""}})

iex> media_url(%{nonexistent_key: "value"})
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read_tar_files(archive, file_or_files, opts \\ [:compressed, :verbose])

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Reads specific files from a tar archive and returns their contents.


iex> read_tar_files("path/to/archive.tar", "file1.txt")
{:ok, "file1 contents"}

iex> read_tar_files("path/to/archive.tar", ["file1.txt", "file2.txt"])
{:ok, ["file1 contents", "file2 contents"]}

iex> read_tar_files("path/to/nonexistent.tar", "file1.txt")
{:error, "File not found"}

iex> read_tar_files("path/to/archive.tar", "nonexistent_file.txt")
{:error, "File not found"}

Takes a Media map (or an object containing one) and returns the thumbnail's URL.


iex> thumbnail_url(%{path: "thumbnail.jpg", metadata: %{"module" => "MyModule"}})
# Assume MyModule.remote_url/2 with :thumbnail returns ""

iex> thumbnail_url(%{media_type: "image/jpeg", path: "thumbnail.jpg"})

iex> thumbnail_url(%{media_type: "video/mp4", path: "video.mpeg"})
# Assume Bonfire.Files.VideoUploader.remote_url/2 with :thumbnail returns "http://video-thumbnail.jpg"

iex> thumbnail_url(%{path: "document.pdf", media_type: "document"})
# Assume Bonfire.Files.DocumentUploader.remote_url/2 with :thumbnail returns "http://document-thumbnail.jpg"

iex> thumbnail_url(%{nonexistent_key: "value"})