View Source Bonfire.Common.Localise.Cldr.Time.Interval (Bonfire v0.9.10-classic-beta.156)

Interval formats allow for software to format intervals like "Jan 10-12, 2008" as a shorter and more natural format than "Jan 10, 2008 - Jan 12, 2008". They are designed to take a start and end date, time or datetime plus a formatting pattern and use that information to produce a localized format.

See Cldr.Interval.to_string/3 and Cldr.Time.Interval.to_string/3.



Returns a string representing the formatted interval formed by two times.

Returns a string representing the formatted interval formed by two times or raises an exception.


Link to this function

do_to_string(from, to, options)

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Link to this function

do_to_string!(from, to, options)

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Link to this function

to_string(from, to, options \\ [])

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@spec to_string(Calendar.time() | nil, Calendar.time() | nil, Keyword.t()) ::
  {:ok, String.t()} | {:error, {module(), String.t()}}

Returns a string representing the formatted interval formed by two times.


  • from is any map that conforms to the Calendar.time type.

  • to is any map that conforms to the Calendar.time type. to must occur on or after from.

  • options is a keyword list of options. The default is [format: :medium, style: :time].

Either from or to may also be nil, in which case an open interval is formatted and the non-nil item is formatted as a standalone time.


  • :format is one of :short, :medium or :long or a specific format type or a string representing of an interval format. The default is :medium.

  • :style supports different formatting styles. The alternatives are :time, :zone, and :flex. The default is :time.

  • locale is any valid locale name returned by Cldr.known_locale_names/0 or a Cldr.LanguageTag.t/0 struct. The default is Elixir.Bonfire.Common.Localise.Cldr.get_locale/0.

  • number_system: a number system into which the formatted date digits should be transliterated.


  • {:ok, string} or

  • {:error, {exception, reason}}


  • For more information on interval format string see Cldr.Interval.

  • The available predefined formats that can be applied are the keys of the map returned by Cldr.DateTime.Format.interval_formats("en", :gregorian) where "en" can be replaced by any configured locale name and :gregorian is the underlying CLDR calendar type.

  • In the case where from and to are equal, a single time is formatted instead of an interval.


iex> Bonfire.Common.Localise.Cldr.Time.Interval.to_string ~T[10:00:00], ~T[10:03:00], format: :short
{:ok, "10 – 10 AM"}

iex> Bonfire.Common.Localise.Cldr.Time.Interval.to_string ~T[10:00:00], ~T[10:03:00], format: :medium
{:ok, "10:00 – 10:03 AM"}

iex> Bonfire.Common.Localise.Cldr.Time.Interval.to_string ~T[10:00:00], ~T[10:03:00], format: :long
{:ok, "10:00 – 10:03 AM"}

iex> Bonfire.Common.Localise.Cldr.Time.Interval.to_string ~T[10:00:00], ~T[10:03:00],
...> format: :long, style: :flex
{:ok, "10:00 – 10:03 in the morning"}

iex> Bonfire.Common.Localise.Cldr.Time.Interval.to_string ~U[2020-01-01 00:00:00.0Z], ~U[2020-01-01 10:00:00.0Z],
...> format: :long, style: :flex
{:ok, "12:00 – 10:00 in the morning"}

iex> Bonfire.Common.Localise.Cldr.Time.Interval.to_string ~U[2020-01-01 00:00:00.0Z], ~U[2020-01-01 10:00:00.0Z],
...> format: :long, style: :zone
{:ok, "12:00 – 10:00 AM Etc/UTC"}

iex> Bonfire.Common.Localise.Cldr.Time.Interval.to_string ~T[10:00:00], ~T[10:03:00],
...> format: :long, style: :flex, locale: "th"
{:ok, "10:00 – 10:03 ในตอนเช้า"}

iex> Bonfire.Common.Localise.Cldr.Time.Interval.to_string ~T[10:00:00], nil
{:ok, "10:00:00 AM –"}
Link to this function

to_string!(from, to, options \\ [])

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@spec to_string!(Calendar.time() | nil, Calendar.time() | nil, Keyword.t()) ::
  String.t() | no_return()

Returns a string representing the formatted interval formed by two times or raises an exception.


  • from is any map that conforms to the Calendar.time type.

  • to is any map that conforms to the Calendar.time type. to must occur on or after from.

  • options is a keyword list of options. The default is [format: :medium, style: :time].

Either from or to may also be nil, in which case an open interval is formatted and the non-nil item is formatted as a standalone time.


  • :format is one of :short, :medium or :long or a specific format type or a string representing of an interval format. The default is :medium.

  • :style supports different formatting styles. The alternatives are :time, :zone, and :flex. The default is :time.

  • locale is any valid locale name returned by Cldr.known_locale_names/0 or a Cldr.LanguageTag.t/0 struct. The default is Elixir.Bonfire.Common.Localise.Cldr.get_locale/0.

  • number_system: a number system into which the formatted date digits should be transliterated.


  • string or

  • raises an exception


  • For more information on interval format string see Cldr.Interval.

  • The available predefined formats that can be applied are the keys of the map returned by Cldr.DateTime.Format.interval_formats("en", :gregorian) where "en" can be replaced by any configured locale name and :gregorian is the underlying CLDR calendar type.

  • In the case where from and to are equal, a single time is formatted instead of an interval.


iex> Bonfire.Common.Localise.Cldr.Time.Interval.to_string! ~T[10:00:00], ~T[10:03:00], format: :short
"10 – 10 AM"

iex> Bonfire.Common.Localise.Cldr.Time.Interval.to_string! ~T[10:00:00], ~T[10:03:00], format: :medium
"10:00 – 10:03 AM"

iex> Bonfire.Common.Localise.Cldr.Time.Interval.to_string! ~T[10:00:00], ~T[10:03:00], format: :long
"10:00 – 10:03 AM"

iex> Bonfire.Common.Localise.Cldr.Time.Interval.to_string! ~T[10:00:00], ~T[10:03:00],
...> format: :long, style: :flex
"10:00 – 10:03 in the morning"

iex> Bonfire.Common.Localise.Cldr.Time.Interval.to_string! ~U[2020-01-01 00:00:00.0Z], ~U[2020-01-01 10:00:00.0Z],
...> format: :long, style: :flex
"12:00 – 10:00 in the morning"

iex> Bonfire.Common.Localise.Cldr.Time.Interval.to_string! ~U[2020-01-01 00:00:00.0Z], ~U[2020-01-01 10:00:00.0Z],
...> format: :long, style: :zone
"12:00 – 10:00 AM Etc/UTC"

iex> Bonfire.Common.Localise.Cldr.Time.Interval.to_string! ~T[10:00:00], ~T[10:03:00],
...> format: :long, style: :flex, locale: "th"
"10:00 – 10:03 ในตอนเช้า"