View Source Bonfire.Common.Localise.Cldr.DateTime.Relative (Bonfire v0.9.11-social-beta.6)
Returns a {:ok, string}
representing a relative time (ago, in) for a given
number, Date.t/0
or t:Datetime.t/0
. Returns {:error, reason}
when errors
are detected.
Returns a {:ok, string}
representing a relative time (ago, in) for a given
number, Date or Datetime or raises an exception on error.
@spec to_string(number() | Date.t() | DateTime.t(), Keyword.t()) :: {:ok, String.t()} | {:error, {module(), String.t()}}
Returns a {:ok, string}
representing a relative time (ago, in) for a given
number, Date.t/0
or t:Datetime.t/0
. Returns {:error, reason}
when errors
are detected.
is a number or Date/Datetime representing the time distance fromnow
or from options[:relative_to]options
is aKeyword
list of options which are:
is the locale in which the binary is formatted. The default isCldr.get_locale/0
is the format of the binary. Style may be:default
is the time unit for the formatting. The allowable units are:second
is the baseline Date or Datetime from which the difference fromrelative
is calculated whenrelative
is a Date or a DateTime. The default for a Date isDate.utc_today
, for a DateTime it isDateTime.utc_now
When options[:unit]
is not specified, MyApp.Cldr.DateTime.Relative.to_string/2
attempts to identify the appropriate unit based upon the magnitude of relative
For example, given a parameter of less than 60
, then to_string/2
assume :seconds
as the unit. See unit_from_relative_time/1
iex> Bonfire.Common.Localise.Cldr.DateTime.Relative.to_string(-1)
{:ok, "1 second ago"}
iex> Bonfire.Common.Localise.Cldr.DateTime.Relative.to_string(1)
{:ok, "in 1 second"}
iex> Bonfire.Common.Localise.Cldr.DateTime.Relative.to_string(1, unit: :day)
{:ok, "tomorrow"}
iex> Bonfire.Common.Localise.Cldr.DateTime.Relative.to_string(1, unit: :day, locale: "fr")
{:ok, "demain"}
iex> Bonfire.Common.Localise.Cldr.DateTime.Relative.to_string(1, unit: :day, format: :narrow)
{:ok, "tomorrow"}
iex> Bonfire.Common.Localise.Cldr.DateTime.Relative.to_string(1234, unit: :year)
{:ok, "in 1,234 years"}
iex> Bonfire.Common.Localise.Cldr.DateTime.Relative.to_string(1234, unit: :year, locale: "fr")
{:ok, "dans 1 234 ans"}
iex> Bonfire.Common.Localise.Cldr.DateTime.Relative.to_string(31)
{:ok, "in 31 seconds"}
iex> Bonfire.Common.Localise.Cldr.DateTime.Relative.to_string(~D[2017-04-29], relative_to: ~D[2017-04-26])
{:ok, "in 3 days"}
iex> Bonfire.Common.Localise.Cldr.DateTime.Relative.to_string(310, format: :short, locale: "fr")
{:ok, "dans 5 min"}
iex> Bonfire.Common.Localise.Cldr.DateTime.Relative.to_string(310, format: :narrow, locale: "fr")
{:ok, "+5 min"}
iex> Bonfire.Common.Localise.Cldr.DateTime.Relative.to_string 2, unit: :wed, format: :short, locale: "en"
{:ok, "in 2 Wed."}
iex> Bonfire.Common.Localise.Cldr.DateTime.Relative.to_string 1, unit: :wed, format: :short
{:ok, "next Wed."}
iex> Bonfire.Common.Localise.Cldr.DateTime.Relative.to_string -1, unit: :wed, format: :short
{:ok, "last Wed."}
iex> Bonfire.Common.Localise.Cldr.DateTime.Relative.to_string -1, unit: :wed
{:ok, "last Wednesday"}
iex> Bonfire.Common.Localise.Cldr.DateTime.Relative.to_string -1, unit: :quarter
{:ok, "last quarter"}
iex> Bonfire.Common.Localise.Cldr.DateTime.Relative.to_string -1, unit: :mon, locale: "fr"
{:ok, "lundi dernier"}
iex> Bonfire.Common.Localise.Cldr.DateTime.Relative.to_string(~D[2017-04-29], unit: :ziggeraut)
{:error, {Cldr.DateTime.UnknownTimeUnit,
"Unknown time unit :ziggeraut. Valid time units are [:day, :fri, :hour, :minute, :mon, :month, :quarter, :sat, :second, :sun, :thu, :tue, :wed, :week, :year]"}}
@spec to_string!(number() | Date.t() | DateTime.t(), Keyword.t()) :: String.t()
Returns a {:ok, string}
representing a relative time (ago, in) for a given
number, Date or Datetime or raises an exception on error.
is a number or Date/Datetime representing the time distance fromnow
or from options[:relative_to].options
is aKeyword
list of options.
is the locale in which the binary is formatted. The default isCldr.get_locale/0
is the format of the binary. Style may be:default
. The default is:default
is the time unit for the formatting. The allowable units are:second
is the baseline Date or Datetime from which the difference fromrelative
is calculated whenrelative
is a Date or a DateTime. The default for a Date isDate.utc_today
, for a DateTime it isDateTime.utc_now
See to_string/2