View Source AbsintheClient behaviour (Bonfire v0.9.10-classic-beta.156)

Supports use of GraphQL documents from with app containing the Absinthe schema


First, use AbsintheClient, passing your schema and notifying Absinthe to operate in internal mode:

defmodule MyAppWeb.UserController do
  use MyAppWeb, :controller
  use AbsintheClient, schema: MyAppWeb.Schema, action: [mode: :internal]

  # ... actions


For each action you want Absinthe to process, provide a GraphQL document using the @graphql module attribute (before the action):

@graphql """
  query ($filter: UserFilter) {
    users(filter: $filter, limit: 10)
def index(conn_or_socket, %{data: data}) do
  render conn_or_socket, "index.html", data

The params for the action will be intercepted by the AbsintheClient.Action plug, and used as variables for the GraphQL document you've specified.

For instance, given a definition for a :user_filter input object type like this:

input_object :user_filter do
  field :name_matches, :string
  field :age_above, :integer
  field :age_below, :integer

And a query that looks like this (assuming you have the normal Plug.Parsers configuration for param parsing):


Then Absinthe will receive variable definitions of:

%{"filter" => %{"name_matches" => "joe", "age_above" => 42}}

(For how the string "42" was converted into 42, see cast_param/3).

The params on the conn_or_socket will then be replaced by the result of the execution by Absinthe. The action function can then match against that result to respond correctly to the user:

It's up to you to handle the three possible results:

  • When there's :data but no :errors, everything went perfectly.
  • When there's :errors but no :data, a validation error occurred and the document could not be executed.
  • When there's :data and :errors, partial data is available but some fields reported errors during execution.

Notice the keys are atoms, not strings as in normal Phoenix action invocations.

Differences with the GraphQL Specification

There are some important differences between GraphQL documents as processed in an HTTP API and the GraphQL documents that this module supports.

In an effort to make use of GraphQL ergonomic in Elixir, Absinthe supports some slight structural modifications to the GraphQL documents provided using the @graphql module attribute in controller modules.

In a way, you can think of these changes as a specialized GraphQL dialect. The following are the differences you need to keep in mind.

Objects can be leaf nodes

Let's look at the users example mentioned before:

@graphql """
  query ($filter: UserFilter) {
    users(filter: $filter, limit: 10)

You'll notice that in the above example, users doesn't have an accompanying selection set (that is, a set of child fields bounded by { ... }). The GraphQL specification dictates that only scalar values can be "leaf nodes" in a GraphQL document... but to support unmodified struct values being returned (for example, Ecto schemas), if no selection set is provided for an object value (or list thereof), the entire value is returned.

The template can then use users as needed:

  <%= for user <- @users do %>
    <li><%= link user.full_name, to: user_path(@conn_or_socket, :show, user) %></li>
  <% end %>

This is useful for Phoenix.HTML helper functions that expect structs with specific fields (especially form_for).

One way to think of this change is that, for objects, no selection set is equivalent to a "splat" operator (except, of course, even fields not defined in your GraphQL schema are returned as part of the value).

But, never fear, nothing is stopping you from ignoring this behavior and providing a selection set if you want a traditionally narrow set of fields:

@graphql """
  query ($filter: UserFilter) {
    users(filter: $filter, limit: 10) {

Scalar values aren't serialized

To remove the need for reparsing values, scalar values aren't serialized; Phoenix actions receive the original, unserialized values of GraphQL fields.

This is especially useful for custom scalar types. Using a couple of the additional types packaged in Absinthe.Type.Custom, for example:

  • :decimal values are returned as %Decimal{} structs, not strings.
  • :datetime values are returned as %DateTime{} structs, not strings.

In short, GraphQL used in controllers is a query language to retrieve the values requested---there's no need to serialize the values to send them across HTTP.

Fields use snake_case

Unlike in the GraphQL notation scheme we prefer for GraphQL APIs (that is, camelCase fields, which better match up with the expectations of JavaScript clients), fields used in documents provided as @graphql should use snake_case naming, as Elixir conventions use that notation style for atoms, etc.

Atom keys

Because you are writing the GraphQL document in your controller and Absinthe is validating the document against your schema, atom keys are returned for field names.



Customize the Absinthe processing pipeline.

Cast string param values to values Absinthe expects for variable input.


Link to this callback

absinthe_pipeline(schema, t)

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@callback absinthe_pipeline(schema :: Absinthe.Schema.t(), Keyword.t()) ::

Customize the Absinthe processing pipeline.

Only implement this function if you need to change the pipeline used to process documents.

Link to this callback

cast_param(value, target_type, schema)

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@callback cast_param(
  value :: any(),
  target_type :: Absinthe.Type.t(),
  schema :: Absinthe.Schema.t()
) :: any()

Cast string param values to values Absinthe expects for variable input.

Some scalar types, like :integer (GraphQL Int) require that raw, incoming value be a non-string type. This isn't a problem in GraphQL-over-HTTP because the variable values are provided as a JSON payload (which supports, i.e., integer values).

To support converting incoming param values to the format that certain scalars expect, we support a cast_param/3 callback function that takes a raw value, target type (e.g., the scalar type), and the schema, and returns the transformed value. cast_param/3 is overridable and the implementation already supports :integer and :float types.

If you override cast_param/3, make sure you super or handle lists, non-nulls, and input object values yourself; they're also processed using the function.

Important: In the event that a value is invalid, just return it unchanged so that Absinthe's usual validation logic can report it as invalid.


Link to this function

default_pipeline(schema, options)

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Link to this function


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